Mtg When Will Gatherer Comments Be Enabled Again

MTG Gatherer Downloader

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MTG Gatherer Downloader

I know that nearly people come to this site for the HQ images created by the CCGHQ team (which are wonderful by the way) simply recently I ran into individuals that wanted full menu images but didn't take the infinite to store all the images in HQ. Later posting the question nearly low quality images and searching effectually I found no real solution for obtaining full card images in whatsoever type of downloadable "pack" similar to what is available for the HQ images. So I created the "MTG Gatherer Epitome Downloader" HTA to parse and download the images from This should save you time from having to search, so click and save every image if you so want them locally. Feedback welcome.


If you recieve the following mistake (or similar)

Please choose "no".
If you do non wish to meet this message delight follow these steps:
As well, there is now a .reg file included in the distro that will disable this popup likewise

Update Notes
Version ii.9 has had a minor testing on the image downloading routines. Delight report if things are broken or incorrect. Encounter "Program Versions" below for what has been updated.

Known Bugs:


I strongly encourage users to download any new images that are available in HQ using the torrent file provided by at (and peered by many supporters).

(138.54 KiB) Downloaded 2509 times
mtg.gatherer.image.downloader v28.zilch
(67.26 KiB) Downloaded 762 times
(65.15 KiB) Downloaded 736 times

Last edited by woogerboy21 on 12 Oct 2010, 05:07, edited 35 times in full.

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 04 Aug 2010, 15:03

Program Versions:

  • v0.1 - Initial Release (probably buggy) :D
  • v0.2
    • Added File Naming Options
      "apparently" mode [past card proper name]
      "mws" manner [by menu proper name with the .full. in the file proper name for the magic workstation application]
    • Added Temp File Cleanup Routine
    • Minor UI Changes
  • v0.3
    • Corrected "basic land" naming issue
  • v0.four
    • Added "All" Choice (if you cartel) :)
    • Corrected image gear up detection, now on older set it really downloads the older card image!
  • v0.5
    • Updated "release notes" formating
    • Correcte "resume" disabling mistake when trying to overwrite an existant image
    • Corrected invalid characters in card names issue
    • Minor UI Changes
    • Added "hta.timeout.fix.reg" registry key file to distrobution
    • Added "card prototype settings
    • set up / newest" option, now you lot can select "set" which will download the bill of fare images from the selected set in in that location original form or "newest" which will download the card images from the most contempo set bachelor
  • v0.6
    • Corrected outcome with "all" placing each sets folder in a subfolder of the previous gear up
    • Corrected the number of pages in each ready displayed / downloaded in the UI
  • v0.7
    • More than UI Changes!
    • Added folder structure support. There is now a third dropdown carte du jour nether "carte du jour image settings". Two options and then far include "set name" and "magic album". "Set proper name" creates folders based on prepare names and places downloaded images into them. "Magic Album" creates the subfolders for each set in the class that the magic album awarding uses and stores images in that folder structure.
  • v0.eight
    • Added language back up (english language is the but option so far)
    • Corrected "magic album" binder construction path to include language subfolder
    • Modest update to UI
  • v0.9
    • Added MWS Folder Construction Support
    • Corrected minor status box brandish outcome when still showing last carte downloaded when "complete" popup is displayed
    • Minor update to UI
  • v1.0
    • Added sets verification from the gatherer on startup. Now the program locates all the available sets on the gatherer and creates a warning log in the outcome in that location are more sets online than in the known listing of sets.
    • Majorly reduced the amount of retentivity the application uses while running.
    • Corrected status box to signal if a menu is being verified or downloaded during resume (previously it always but showed downloading)
    • Minor status box formating updates
  • v1.1
    • Bugfix - Error in sets array for set "Starter 1999", Corrected (the "all" choice should at present work once again)
    • Updated the magic album folder structure routines to allow more a single subfolder to exist defined in the magic album set folder data
    • Created custom name formating routines to reformated "known" mal-formed named. (card names containing Aether in HTML form are not properly spelled)
    • Created routines to do a version cheque and inform the user if an update is bachelor.
  • v1.ii
    • Corrected "Portal Three Kingdoms" display name
    • Corrected Incorrect Pathing Names for the magic album folder construction on a number of sets
    • Added "From the Vault: Relics" prepare to known set assortment
    • Corrected countless loop when more than 4 basic lands already exists
  • v1.three
    • Corrected "folder does not exist" error when attempting to use "setname" equally binder path
    • Added more languages to the available language listing!
  • v1.4
    • Added additional language options
    • Corrected existing language abbr. to correctly proper name binder structures to MA application expected folder names
    • Added Duels Deck: Elspeth vs. Tezzereth
    • Updated UI Size
  • v1.5
    • Somehow managed to bunk up v1.4. Corrected Duel Deck: Elspeth vs. Tezzereth non downloading
    • Corrected fault on line 436 about "file not institute" when attempting to remove temporary files used during download process of card images
    • Corrected internal application name mispelling
    • Added Boosted name correction character to better spell the discussion "AEther" (however working on special card name corrections)
    • Removed redundant language abbr. (the older abbr that were incorrect, doh!)
    • Added the power to consign the card details listed from the gatherer to a txt file! Current options are "none", "text only", "all". "none" does non consign data, "text only" exports only the card text in the textbox (no season text), and "all" exports all data collected (excludes expansions, and other sets).
  • v1.8
    • Added the application "mode" drop down menu option. The three modes will permit you to either download but card images, simply card text, or both from the gatherer'southward website
  • v1.9
    • Added the export option "total text spoiler" menu choice. This options will allow you to create a full text spoiler of the choosen set (i practice non recommend you use this choice with the "all" option under "ready pick")
    • Updated sets listing to include scars of mirrodin gatherer information
    • Minor text capturing formating updates (such as trimming extra spaces between Casting Cost amounts)
    • Added ability / toughness captureing to text portion of text data outputing
    • Added the export pick "tab delimited spoiler" carte du jour pick. This pick volition allow y'all to create a full text spoiler with each cards components seperated in a unmarried line past tabs for importation into other apps
    • Added the option to create a visual spoiler html folio that is printable
    • Added the option to create proxies and be able to select the rarity of proxies printing to utilise. (this creates output similar to
  • 2.0
    • Corrected scars of mirrodin set information (now you tin can get more than the first folio of images)
    • Corrected text conversion for the mana cost of 3. Now correctly identifies the image icon
  • ii.1
    • Corrected internal awarding number
    • Updated "update cheque" routine to improve performance
    • Updated "gatherer check" routine to amend performance
  • ii.2
    • Corrected "Reddish" Mana symbol formating in text output
    • Corrected "Blackness" Mana symbol formating in text output
    • Corrected "Dark-green" Mana symbol formating in text output
    • Corrected "X" mana symbol formating in text output
    • Corrected Colorless 5-ten mana symbol formating in text output
    • Renamed spoiler names to include language abbr
  • two.3
    • Updated linguistic communication text capture routine to capture the name of the card in the language rather than english
    • Added "single card number merely" option to text output method, this option will create a text file with the menu proper noun and only write the carte number in the text file content
    • Changed the "card export" descriptor to "text options" for meliorate clarifications on the UI
    • Changed the text option "all" to "single card all details" for clearer definition
    • Changed the text choice "text only" to "single menu text simply" for clearer definition
    • Added "mws text spoiler" option to text output method, this option creates a text spoiler that you tin import into MWS to add together carte set information into your masterbase (**NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY, Under Evolution**)
  • 2.4
    • Major UI update! Fixed UI functionality for enabling / disabling features when various options / suboptions were selected
    • Added the customization options to the text spoiler output. Now instead of selecting from a drib down bill of fare of various output options yous select the type of text output and can checkthe fields you want to have located in the text output file
    • Minor internal code update to make code layout clearer (code however a mess in my mind but it works)
  • 2.5
    • Major internal code update to the locate image routines (this will let for additional features downwardly the road)
    • Modest internal code update to the locate card details routine, now volition return specific card information when called (most people probably dont intendance about this)
    • Added the drop down carte item "plain-num" to the image name option listing, this will name the image downloaded starting with the cards number located in the set (if available) at the beginning of the card name
    • Added the drop down menu item "plain-color" to the paradigm proper noun option list, this will proper noun the image downloaded starting with the cards color (if available) at the beginning of the card name
    • Remove the drop downward menu option "newest" from the image version selection list (work nevertheless in progress for boosted set prototype identification)
    • Added card color to text outputing options
    • Corrected "tab delimited spoiler" choice under "text spoiler format" menu to at present work with spoiler option check boxes
    • Corrected text and flavor text when outputing to "tab delimited spoiler" option. (removed line return characters then lines are now properly written)
    • Linked the "image name" drop down card with the "folder style" drop down menu then at present when choosing diverse naming methods or binder styles the other drib down card changes accordingly
    • Update the "apparently" image proper noun option functionality, at present if you choose the drop down menu "plain" under the image name options information technology will name the image of the bill of fare locally with the spelling of the respective linguistic communication (i have no idea if this works correct since I don't know whatever other language other than english, but its certain naming things funny)
    • Added the "plain-eng" prototype name option, if y'all cull this choice it will proper name the downloaded epitome with the english name form simply the image downloaded volition be of the respective language
    • Added the "magic album" image name pick, this has the same functionality every bit the "plain-eng" option but changes the folder settings accordingly
    • Enabled basic error resuming
    • Update UI controls to not allow changes during application downloading
    • Added "enable local cache option", this selection will save the ready information as it is downloaded and as will use the local copy of the ready information rather than redownloading information technology every time. (THIS OPTION MUST Be ENABLED EACH RUN OR THE Fix Data WILL BE RECOLLECTED AT RUN TIME)
  • ii.6
    • Updated Card Name routines to remove invalid filename characters (some how removed this from the recent release then cards such as "circle of protection" arent properly named / downloaded)
    • Updated Tab delimited routines to carve up card blazon and subtype out into there own column locations
    • Updated UI "Download Images" button to "Start Download"
  • 2.7
    • Corrected Image Proper noun naming when the MWS paradigm choice is selected (cleaved every bit of version two.v subsequently rewrite)
    • Minor UI update (lowercased the option "enable local enshroud")
    • Created internal code function to identify and correct special case names for image names based on application
    • Implemented divide card image naming
    • Implemented multiversion bill of fare image capturing (at present you go all the land cards and all the different versions of older cards!)
    • Corrected issue were enabling local cache would cause card details to not exist located if application was terminated prematurely
    • Corrected text formating for older SYMBOLS pre 6th edition (i recollect thats when the erstwhile T for tap was changed?)
    • Updated "exporting to unmarried card" to create seperate .txt files for each version of a card (if multiples be)
    • Enabled text export resuming when the option "image and text" is selected, no need to redownload all card details that you should already have
    • Corrected text exporting routines to resolve effect of text mana symbols that are side by side merely showing a single symbol rather so multiples
  • 2.eight
    • Implemented error checking for image folder path name to verify string is formated as expected
    • Implemented modest run and mistake logging
    • Corrected subtype column alignment on tab formated exporting
    • Updated exporting menu text routines to supercede the unicode dash code with plain text nuance's
    • Updated special example card naming routine for split name cards
    • Updated UI controls to keep "proxy rarity" disabled by default till the checkbox is checked
    • AEther name correction implemented
  • ii.9
    • Pocket-size internal code changes
    • Added the "wagic" application to the cardname and folderstyle
    • Added zip.exe application to distrobution to allow image zipping for the wagic application

Last edited by woogerboy21 on 12 Oct 2010, 05:09, edited 20 times in total.

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postpast deurk » 31 Aug 2010, 09:45

Smashing tool! Thanks!

Any possibility to comprise download of other languages?


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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 31 Aug 2010, xi:23

deurk wrote:Great tool! Thanks!

Whatever possibility to comprise download of other languages?

Thank you.

Absolutely. What languages were yous looking for? Plus since I havent looked into how to get other languages from the gatherer are you familiar with how to practice so? Is there a different URL for other languages etc?

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby deurk » 31 Aug 2010, 12:03

I was trying to get FR and so far but I was not able to get the gatherer to bear witness me the checklist and/or spoiler versions of all the FR cards. I was able to see their french text on single cards using the following URL for instance: of fare/ ... eid=222305

(Note the printed parameter)

How is your tool getting the pics? Directly from each single carte du jour folio or from a more than general page like listing?


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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 31 Aug 2010, 13:31

deurk wrote:I was trying to get FR then far but I was non able to get the gatherer to show me the checklist and/or spoiler versions of all the FR cards. I was able to run across their french text on single cards using the following URL for instance: ... eid=222305

(Note the printed parameter)

How is your tool getting the pics? Directly from each unmarried carte page or from a more general page like listing?

Thank you!

The way it works is it get-go queries the gatherer for a complete set list using the standard view such as a url like this:
[url] up=|["Blastoff"][/url]

You lot can locate the URL listing used past going to the gatherer. Using the advanced button. Then only adding the set up name yous are looking to query for. And clicking the search button.

Information technology and then parses the recieved data and locates each card listing (name and multiverse image number). Information technology then goes back and downloads the image using the multiverse number and placing the image with the right name into the salvage folder that is divers for each set in the assortment containing all the fix information. Seeing every bit I was unfamiliar with the other languages I was hoping that you could query the gatherer and recieve a standard view listing in foreign languages. If then there would just need some pocket-sized updating to the code to reflect the unlike languages split location spellings. But if at that place is no way to view a listing of cards in a particular prepare in a particular language (other than english) there volition need to be some major updates in the code to support other languages.

looking at the language tab at that place may exist a way for me to determin the multiverse ID from at that place so adding the ability for each language would exist possible but give me a bit to think most how to implement it. Starting time matter that comes to mind is adding one more step in after identifying the menu from the set list to aquire all the multiverse id's for that card from the language tab page and then downloading the associated flick based on selected language :)

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby deurk » 31 Aug 2010, xv:thirteen

Would be great. If your tool is parsing the card page and not just a listing, I'd be interested in it to also retrieve the text of that page, that would plain rock ;)

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 31 Aug 2010, 16:53

deurk wrote:Would be keen. If your tool is parsing the card page and not but a list, I'd be interested in it to also retrieve the text of that page, that would plain rock ;)

What data are you exactly looking for? Information technology is possible to parse the page and its contents and relieve them. The fashion the script does it probably doesnt work much like your thinking (peradventure) but can exist adapted to fit probably easily.

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 31 Aug 2010, 20:48

Could anyone tell me were to get the linguistic communication to linguistic communication letter abbreviations used?
Currently I take these divers just dont call up the abbr are correct:

"eng" : "english language"
"csa" : "chinese standard"
"cst" : "chinese traditional"
"fre" : "french"
"ger" : "german language"
"itl" : "italian"
"jap" : "japanese"
"por" : "portuguese"
"rus" : "russian"
"spa" : "spanish"

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postpast Huggybaby » 04 Sep 2010, 03:22

Nice, what a great tool. Thanks woogerboy21. 8)

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby deurk » 04 Sep 2010, 05:56

woogerboy21 wrote:Could anyone tell me were to go the language to linguistic communication alphabetic character abbreviations used?
Currently I accept these defined but dont recollect the abbr are correct:

"eng" : "english"
"csa" : "chinese standard"
"cst" : "chinese traditional"
"fre" : "french"
"ger" : "german"
"itl" : "italian"
"jap" : "japanese"
"por" : "portuguese"
"rus" : "russian"
"spa" : "spanish"

I think those are correct:
cn 简体中文 Simplified Chinese
de Deutsch German language
en English English
es Español Castilian
fr Français French
it Italiano Italian
jp 日本語 Japanese
ko 한국어 Korean
pt Português Portuguese
ru Русский Russian
tw 繁體中文 Traditional Chinese

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby deurk » 04 Sep 2010, 06:57

woogerboy21 wrote:What information are yous exactly looking for? It is possible to parse the folio and its contents and save them. The way the script does it probably doesnt work much like your thinking (perchance) but tin exist adapted to fit probably easily.

The printed card texts more often than not. Putting gathered text within a .txt file next to the motion-picture show would be awesome :P

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postpast woogerboy21 » 05 Sep 2010, 21:36

Huggybaby wrote:Nice, what a groovy tool. Thanks woogerboy21. 8)

No problem! I still need to right the foreign abbr. But the code structure is there and information technology shouldn't be to difficult. Im simply busy working on updating the magic anthology pricing scripts.

The printed bill of fare texts mostly. Putting gathered text within a .txt file side by side to the motion-picture show would be awesome.

Are you looking for the foreign text or the english language?

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby deurk » 05 Sep 2010, 21:41

Actually both, but each in it's own language laissez passer, so I'd say foreign

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby Huggybaby » 06 Sep 2010, 00:37

This topic is stickied.

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