Stardew Valley How to Drop Items Without Picking It Up Again

  1. how-do-you-do,

    i am completely new to this and i have never played harvest moon before. then i apologize if this is a dumb question, but i cannot figure out how to drop an detail on the floor (from your inventory).

    it is frustrating because my inventory is filled very quickly and if i want to hold on to something new and bandy with something else in my inventory, how practice i practise this?

    likewise, while my inventory was full i received the sword and line-fishing pole.. but i noticed it went into a larger "gift" inventory area... how do i access this? i cannot find how to equip the fishing pole or the sword that is not in my "main" inventory...

    cheers in advance!

    • Only go into your inventory and elevate out the item you want to drib. Information technology will fall on the ground. You can likewise drag it to the trash can if y'all want to get rid of information technology.
      • it does not piece of work.

        i click on the item i desire to drop, then the graphic symbol holds information technology above head. for example i want to drib "fiber". adjacent i click anywhere around him but it does null at all. i as well tried clicking the fiber in inventory slot, property the left-mouse push downwardly and releasing on basis near my grapheme... nothing happens....


        • When you pick up an item in your inventory past clicking on information technology (DON'T Close THE INVENTORY) click to drop it by clicking anywhere outside the inventory window. If the inventory window isn't open up at the time, you wont drop it.
          • While in your inventory take whatsoever y'all want to drop and elevate it out of the inventory without closing the inventory.
            • okay, but my inventory NEVER closes at all.. and so the inventory closing is not a trouble for me...

              here is a screenshot of me trying to drop dirt... i am holding it above my head, and the inventory is open up as it is always (i take never really seen it close btw).. and i am clicking and dragging all around me but Nada works... :(


              • Click eastward or esc to become into the actual inventory
                thats just the hotbar
                • thanks, okay information technology worked.


                  okay, i feel justified to bluster here about this (imho, very poor) game mechanic.

                  not intuitive at all. in the inventory screen, the background is "greyed" out, and the inventory takes up the entire screen. and from the very beginning of this game you learn right away that everything you do must be within shut proximity to the grapheme. that is, all actions must be done adjacent to the grapheme (chatting, picking upward stuff, watering, etc.)

                  from this learned in-game mechanic, how is anyone supposed to just know, that on the inventory screen, you lot tin drop stuff by clicking on items then clicking very far across the proximity of your graphic symbol, and exterior of the inventory window which takes up all the screen, AND the background is "greyed" out, which traditionally means it is not interactive....


                  • Well in most RPGs that's kinda how it works. somewhat anyway. And information technology's greyed out for a good reason. y'all get backpacks to get more than inventory space then you cant but be the best at the very showtime
                    I dont call up its a poor mechanic at all.
                    Glad we helped!
                    • Are yous wanting to drop items or to just throw them away?
                      There is a trash tin can in your inventory you lot tin dump stuff in yous know.
                      • like i said. i have never played any RPG before. i am a complete new role player to this blazon of game. i found it Non INTUITIVE at all to open inventory window (which then greys out the entire background, and yous tin see the time says PAUSED even), and the inventory window is so big that it practically covers the unabridged center area, click on the particular yous want to drop, so click somewhere, anywhere, outside this huge inventory screen on the greyed out groundwork.

                        how is anyone that has never played before supposed to have simply realized that this is the fashion information technology should be done, when EVERYTHING so far requires you to be NEXT to whatever it is you want to accept "activity" on.

                        IN-GAME established mechanic: to practice something, click on tile next to character

                        DROPPING STUFF ON GROUND : open up inventory window, click anywhere far beyond your graphic symbol in greyed out groundwork no less, and it only magically drops somewhere on a tile that you lot didn't even click on and cannot see at all while doing this.

                        all i have to say, is, wow.

                        • i did observe the trash can, i practice not want to throw anything out. i but started and don't know the game plenty to exist certain that anything is useless.
                          • Yous tin't actually detest on an RPG type game having an RPG inventory style when you've never played earlier. It isn't the game's error tbh. The inventory is greyed out again because you lot can expand it later. Information technology'due south and so you tin can see what you're doing. Y'all take plenty of space to drop things.
                            • when i say "greyed" out, i am non talking about the locked inventory spaces that can exist expanded past ownership larger backpack upgrades. i know those 2 rows of squares are inventory slots that have not been "unlocked". this i know.

                              when i say "greyed" out, i am literally talking about the space/area that is exterior of the entire inventory window but within the Stardew Valley game window. When you lot open your inventory window, the background is "greyed" out.. the color becomes a shade darker. now i'm no skillful in UI blueprint, but the natural inclination is assume that when the background is "greyed" out, you cannot do anything with it, that is, you cannot interact with it. the garbage tin at to the lowest degree opens with the cursor hovering over it and then you know this is a valid activeness. merely clicking on the greyed out background to drop the selected particular? sorry, this is definitely counter-intuitive to what the game has been teaching and so far and therefore something not assumable by the non-initiated RPG actor.

                              you know this because you have played these games before. but it's not something i would consider doing and would have needed to stumble upon discovering this bad-mannered and reverse game mechanic by sheer luck or accident.

                              • With all due respect it'south simple RPG mechanics. People who haven't played RPGs tin can't hate on how the mechanics work. And some of it is kinda common sense. Talking to some behind a counter while they're at work is what normal people do in the real world. That should've been self explanatory. The groundwork is greyed out crusade you're in the break/inventory menu. You tin can't interact with anything while in that, but that doesn't hateful you tin can't drag things out of your inventory. Ever played minecraft? Aforementioned bargain
                                • exactly. simple RPG mechanics. everything was simple, simply click stuff side by side to your character.

                                  didn't know dropping stuff was clicking stuff in greyed out background far from your graphic symbol while the inventory window is covering about the entire screen. my bad.

                                  and yes, in the real world you lot cannot get serviced unless you stand exactly in front of the person. my bad again.

                                  • Hi Woody
                                    Welcome to the old school RPG mechanics learning curve. Indie Devs have a congenital-in noesis of their Game Mechanics as does the Fan Base of operations surrounding these games. I likewise take struggled with the game Mechanics in this Version. There are lots of small annoyances which when a game is Green Lit past Steam or Marketed are not always debugged. I agree totally with your " Oh Wow" reaction. I have had many of these in learning the Mechanics of this cute pocket-size calibration globe. Go along battling as this game is destined for greatness.
                                    Savour slowing downwards and interacting with the world and taking your time. The cute matter is in that location is no right way to play. Min Max or just slowly build your Farm. With the learning bend and feedback from new to the "genre" players, the community should be welcoming and is full of wonderfully artistic, supportive people. But "meh" it's the interwebz and some Otaku or Japanese Anime RPG fans and artists can be slightly prickly. Large Smile.
                                    Note to Devs " Spring Sakura Cherry blossom instead of pollen days?
                                    Cheers !
                                    • cheers, RichieJS! :)
                                      • If information technology helps, I didn't realize you *could* but drop items until recently - I always simply put them in the trash can. >u<
                                          MrToni300 and w00dy like this.
                                        • lol, i couldn't make myself throw anything in the trash. i only started eating the items that i could!

                                          and even later learning how to driblet items on the ground, i ended up playing awkwardly by making sure i driblet stuff far from my bed and too not likewise shut to the tv then that i don't accidentally pick them up again. i as well learned that dropping things outside your house is just like throwing information technology in the trash as the items are gone the next twenty-four hour period.

                                          then i made a chest and this made life a lot easier.

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